Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Momma

Dear Momma,
Your precious chubby-cheeked baby girl gave me the sweetest, squishiest good night kiss tonight. She's beautiful. So sweet. Her crinkled-nose smile lights up our home. I'm sure the absence of it brings you darkness. What I thought was such an inconvenience today turned out to be divinely appointed. We had to see your doctor today instead of ours. I got to see the look of surprise on the doctor's and nurses' faces when I explained who I was. The doctor went through Chubby Cheek's history with me. You sat there in that same spot only three weeks ago. I heard about how you took her in for ear infections, immunizations, and fevers. I heard about which medicine proved to work last time she had an earache. We got that same one.  There were a couple of times you took her in only to be told it was a virus. I wonder if you felt like I do when I hear that, "well, better safe than sorry," or "I should have waited a little longer." I want you to know I still think you are a good mom. Most people assume we became foster parents to adopt, but we began fostering to love your baby ...and you. Mistakes and all we love you. I've heard what happened. I have walked in similar shoes, and I understand how it could have happened. In my mind, I chose the same as you more than once. The difference is my thoughts stayed thoughts, and yours became action. The difference- I have forgiveness and the Holy Spirit to redirect my thoughts, but your actions are broadcasted aloud in a courtroom. I'm so sorry you didn't have help. I'm sorry you felt hopelessness that lead you to where you went.
I hope to know you. I want to tell you how we are the same. I want to tell you why I'm different. I want you to know there is hope. I want you to know Him.

Your Friend


  1. I just blogged tonight about meeting our foster son's mom for the first time today. It makes the loss so real and our "job" so important. To stand in the gap is an amazing privilege.

  2. This is so, so beautiful. What an amazing example you are to me.
