Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Babies

We met a social worker supervisor Monday night and picked up a baby girl and her two year old sister. Our agency planned for us to keep the baby and another family to take the 2 year old, but they wanted us to take both for the first night. Evidently after we already had the girls, a DHR foster family was found that could take them both. We didn't know that until later. Tuesday morning I took off work to be with the baby, and I was expecting someone to come get the two year old. Then it started to snow. I became worried that the baby would run out of formula, so I contacted my social worker to see when they were coming. I didn't want to miss them while I was at the store. It soon became clear that no one was going anywhere. My husband headed home after making a stop for formula. He ended up leaving his truck on the side of the road and catching a ride with someone. I thought my kids were going to be spending the night at school, but they eventually made it to a friend's house where Mike was able to pick them up. I'm assuming the shelter care hearing got canceled Wednesday. DHR wants me to keep the girls until Friday afternoon. I have a full time job. I can take off work a few times a year when we get long term placements, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to be as flexible as they need me to be. I'm so very thankful for my church. We plan on the church daycare taking the girls Friday when I return to work. I don't want to try to plan ahead of God, but I was pretty worried for a bit. I think this week worked out just as He planned. I guess unlike our meteorologist God knew all along we would be available this week. Oh, and the foster mom that was suppose to take the two year old....she was snowed in at her school overnight. Please be in prayer for these sweet babies, their mom, the foster family they will go to on Friday, and always our family. Pray that God will make a way for us to do what He has called us to....pray that I won't panic and need it all to make sense to me.

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